Traffic accident | 接骨院がく整骨院/針灸整体院グループは日祝日も交通事故施術に対応


Traffic accident

Do you have such a problem in a traffic accident?

・Neck pain…
・I don’t know how to use traffic accident insurance in Japan…
・Looking for a clinic that I can use traffic accident insurance…
・I want to receive treatment by the specialist for the injury by traffic accident…

Features of our hospital

the Government certification
1.The government certification
A nationally qualified person is responsible for treatment.
A play space for kids
2.A play space for kids
Visits with children are also welcome.
Open until 21:00
3.Open until 21:00
The clinic is open until 21:00.
Abundant treatment results
4.Abundant treatment results
This hospital is used by more than 100 patients a day.
Professional athlete
5.Professional athlete
Professional athletes in Japan are also using our hospital.
Customer first
6.Customer first
Our policy is to put our customers first.

Please feel free to contact us

Nice to meet you.
Our hospital has established a traffic accident treatment center in Isesaki City.
Many foreigners live in Isesaki City.
In Isesaki, using cars is indispensable for a convenient life, and cases of traffic accidents by foreigners are increasing.
You can use traffic accident insurance at this hospital. Please feel free to contact us.